The Joint Precision Approach and Landing System (JPALS) will provide aircraft a precision approach landing capability in limited ceiling and visibility conditions for fixed base, tactical, and sea-based operating environments. HTii provides the requirements management and associated analytical services to develop, track and coordinate requirements specifications and system testing/validation, starting with the Capabilities Description Document (CDD).
The Requirements Management System (RMS) provides detailed linkage to program source
and reference documentation, as well as to the unique requirements and implementation
schedules of JPALS users. This is an example of a small NAVAIR program that influences and
in some cases defines future Sea Power force projection capabilities. While JPALS provides
enhanced capability to existing aircraft, it is a critical component of the JSF’s all-weather
capability and the only currently envisioned way to operate large unmanned aircraft from
ships at sea. JPALS program managers require detailed program requirements from all po-
tential users, and conversely, future air systems need detailed requirements, specification and
schedule information from the JPALS program to deliver combat capability to the fleet. This
program will provide NAVAIR one of the first direct assessments of the feasibility and effect-
iveness of “system of systems” management concept at the program requirements/
specification level of detail.